
About me

I am a data architect by choice. I enjoy most sport involving a fair level of effort and suffering, but never refuse a relax and fun vacation with my family. Writing in english is somewhat tedious, but not much harder than in my mother's tongue. I've specialized in the database world (conservative) currently facing competitive challenges (disruptive). Trying to stay on the edge by learning new technology -NoSQL-, new programming language -Python- and surfing the -data-is-the-new-oil- wave! I also blog (read archive) about my professional knowledge, and from time to time, personal experience at Anything but a blog.

About this website

I created this site to promote the concept DataPlatform Franchising (don't google it, I made it up). Its short pitch is: "a live dataset integrated from multi-source 3rd-party providers and made available through BI self-service hosted inside a Cloud platform". The intention is to open data analytics and business intelligence to a much larger audience than big corporations that can afford expensive BI projects.

This site exposes my adventures in promoting this idea, from technical to political/business considerations. I hope it can be instructive to some and could even lead to real and impactful projects.